Caseificio Miscano

Products that are born from the love and respect for our land

When the milk processing…becomes an art

Caseificio Miscano bases all its production by following with great care the old artisan tradition and by selecting breeders of Castelfranco in Miscano and San Giorgio la Molara areas, where the cattle graze in the fields and feed on fresh, varied grass or natural wheat and hay.


The Caciocavallo

We are among the few to produce it following throughly the old techniques of processing, and being faithful to the sound dairy traditions of our territory. The great care which characterizes every stage of the production, as well as our mission to offer an excellent product, have always been our strenght and the guarantee of high quality of our Caciocavallo. The manufacturing process is carried out in a modern building, designed to develop at the best way and with maximum hygiene and safety the different stages of production, all strictly certified

Stages of production


The duration of this stage can vary from three months to one year


The caciocavallo is subjected to two solutions of brine of different temperature


Maturation and filatura

Hand-cut and then stretched with the stretching machine


The processing takes place inside stainless steel boilers